UK Statutory Residence Test Indicator

Welcome to the Sanctoras SRT indicator. Designed to give an initial indication of your UK residence status, based on current legislation.

About this tool:

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Were you present in the UK on 183 days or more in the tax year?

Were you UK resident in one or more of the previous three tax years?

Were you present in the UK on fewer than 46 days in the tax year?

Were you present in the UK on fewer than 16 days in the tax year?

In the tax year, did you work full-time outside the UK?

Were you present in the UK on fewer than 91 days in the tax year?

Did you spend fewer than 31 days working in the UK in the tax year?

Did you have your only home (or all of your homes) in the UK in the tax year, and were present in the home on 30 days or more?

Did you work sufficient hours in the UK in the tax year without a significant break from work?

As we now consider the number of ties to the UK, please reconfirm:
Were you UK resident in one or more of the previous three tax years?

Complete the following checklist:

Do you have a UK resident family?

Did you work in the UK on 40 days or more?

Did you have available accommodation in which you spent at least one night?

Were you present in the UK on 91 days or more in either of the previous two tax years?

Did you spend more time in the UK than in any other single country?

Complete the following checklist:

Do you have a UK resident family?

Did you work in the UK on 40 days or more?

Did you have available accommodation in which you spent at least one night?

Were you present in the UK on 91 days or more in either of the previous two tax years?

Your result

Automatically UK resident

Automatically non-UK resident